Home Detention Program
The Sussex County Sheriff’s Office offers an alternative to incarceration for certain offenders sentenced to a term of imprisonment by allowing them to participate in the Home Detention Program (HDP).
Home Detention Program Application Form
What is the Home Detention Program?
The HDP is an alternative form of incarceration for sentenced minimum security individuals. Approved participants are fitted with an electronic monitoring device attached to their ankle which is equipped with GPS tracking software that monitors the participants location in real time.
Benefits of the Home Detention Program
Participants are able to serve their sentence outside the confines of a correctional facility. This permits the participant to continue with employment, education, rehabilitation treatments and other structured activities.
Participants who are medically fragile or elderly who may require extensive medical care or hospitalization are able to receive their care without interruption.
Eligibility to Participate in the Home Detention Program
Participants must live with a sponsor and have a sentence no more than 364 days and not less than 10 days.
Participants must be sentenced by a judge in either Sussex County Superior Court or Sussex County Municipal Court and live in Sussex County or within close proximity to the county.
Cost of Participation
$50.00 enrollment/processing fee, must be paid with a postal money order (this is a one-time fee)
$10.00 a day/$70.00 a week GPS monitoring fee
$20.00 drug and alcohol test fee (minimum once a week)
Fees may be modified by the sentencing judge on a case-to-case basis.
Who is Not Eligible for the Home Detention Program?
Any individual convicted of a 1st degree crime or an offense that statutorily requires mandatory incarceration.
Any other offenses, please contact the Home Detention Program at 973.579.0865, ext. 2016 or ext. 2017 for more information.