Professional Standards
The Professional Standards Unit is responsible for reviewing Sussex County Sheriff’s Office standard operating procedures that address applicable non-discriminatory policy, the law of arrest, search and seizure, motor vehicle stop enforcement activities, and any other policies deemed necessary to maintain or enhance the practices of the Sheriff’s Office. Data collection and documenting operations audits, including the achieving and maintaining the New Jersey State Chiefs of Police State accreditation certification are also under the purview of the unit.
The unit is dedicated to serving the citizens of Sussex County by promoting the development and implementation of law enforcement policies and procedures. The process of collecting, analyzing and publishing data on law enforcement practice promotes departmental integrity and allows law enforcement agencies the ability to self-assess and to continue to promote effective and unbiased policing.
Internal Affairs
It is the policy of the Sussex County Sheriff’s Office to accept and investigate all complaints of agency and employee alleged misconduct or wrongdoing from any citizen, agency employee or any other sources, including anonymous sources. Following a thorough and impartial examination of the available factual information, a conclusion will be determined and the employee shall be either exonerated or held responsible for the alleged misconduct.
Discipline shall be administered according to the degree of misconduct. Officers and employees, regardless of rank/position, shall be subject to disciplinary action for violating their oath and trust. Committing an offense punishable under the laws of the United States, the State of New Jersey, or county constitutes a violation of that oath and trust.
Employees are also subject to disciplinary action for the willful or negligent failure to perform the duties of their rank or assignment. In addition, employees may be disciplined for violation of any rule or regulation of the agency or for failure to obey any lawful instruction, order, or command of a superior officer or supervisor.
Disciplinary action in all matters will be determined based upon the merits of each case. Officers conducting the investigation of any allegation of misconduct shall strive to conduct a thorough and objective investigation respecting the rights of the principal, any other law enforcement officer, and all members of the public. Accordingly, any supervisor and any officer who may be called upon to conduct an internal investigation must be thoroughly familiar with the agency’s internal affairs policy. This policy has been developed in accordance with the New Jersey Attorney General’s guidelines on internal affairs.
If you have any questions or need more information, please contact our Internal Affairs unit at 973.579.0850, ext. 2109.
Sussex County Sheriff’s Office
Internal Affairs
39 High Street
Newton NJ 07860
Compliments and Complaints
To effectively manage the performance of our officers, we like to be informed of any commendable conduct so that we can acknowledge them for a job well done and reinforce this kind of work performance. To submit a compliment, please utilize the “Contact Us” section at the bottom of any page.
We treat all complaints equally regardless of whether or not they are filled out anonymously or with a name. However, please keep in mind that we can investigate best when we have all available information and have the ability to contact you with further questions, if needed. Internal Affairs Complaint Forms are available below in 11 different languages. Internal Affairs complaint forms may be submitted in person or by mail to the Sussex County Sheriff’s Office, 39 High Street, Newton NJ, 07860 during business hours. Alternatively, the complaint form may be submitted by calling (973) 579-0850 ext. 2109, or electronically via e-email to the Internal Affairs Unit here.
Body Worn Cameras
In compliance with the New Jersey Attorney General Issues Directive 2021-5 requiring notifying the public of the type of body cameras this agency is utilizing, the Sussex County Sheriff’s Office is currently utilizing Safe Fleet body worn cameras. See photographs below of our uniform as well as plain clothes officers.

Public Announcement
In compliance with Attorney General Grewal's Directive 2020-5 and Directive 2021-6 , which require law enforcement agencies to begin to publish, at least once a year, a brief synopsis of all complaints resulting in major discipline—defined as termination, reduction in rank or grade, and/or suspension of more than five days—including the names of the officers sanctioned, the Sussex County Sheriff's Office reports that no officers have received major discipline between June 15, 2020 and December 31, 2020.