Project Lifesaver
Are you a caregiver for an adult or child who has a propensity to wander?
The Sussex County Sheriff’s Office has partnered with Project Lifesaver in an effort to provide enhanced support and assistance to Sussex County residents who are primary caregivers for individuals with Alzheimer’s, dementia, autism, Down syndrome or related cognitive disorders.

Project Lifesaver utilizes SafetyNet by LoJack, a tracking system which assists law enforcement in quickly locating individuals who have wandered. Implemented nationwide by more than one thousand agencies, the Project Lifesaver program has reduced search time from days down to an average of thirty minutes with no serious injuries or fatalities reported.
How does Project Lifesaver work?
Your loved one wears a battery-operated waterproof transmitter bracelet on his/her wrist or ankle. The transmitter emits a signal that sheriff’s officers can track in the event that someone goes missing. Trained sheriff’s officers will be sent to your residence monthly to change the battery and check that the transmitter is functioning properly. In addition, the caregiver will be required to check the transmitter’s battery at least once per day with a special tester that will be provided.
Who is eligible?
Adults and children who wander or may wander due to Alzheimer’s, autism, and other related conditions or disorders are all eligible for Project Lifesaver. The prospective client must be a resident of Sussex County, must have a 24-hour caregiver and must be willing to wear the transmitter at all times.
What is the cost?
The initial set up fee which includes all the necessary equipment is $275.00 and the monthly maintenance fee is $10.00. At this time, all fees are waived and the program is being provided to citizens at no charge.
How do we enroll?
Download and complete our enrollment package which consists of an instruction sheet, detailed application and contract. The latter two documents should be filled out by the caregiver and returned to the sheriff’s office. The sheriff’s office will then review the application and once approved, you will be contacted to schedule a date and time for a program administrator to meet with you and your family. At that meeting, the contract will be signed, the bracelet will be installed and the caregiver will receive instruction about the equipment and how to test it daily.
Download our Project Lifesaver Enrollment Package
In order to utilize this form, you will need the freely available Adobe Reader software installed on your computer, version 7 or higher. This is a “fillable form” which may be filled out on your computer and saved to your hard drive. Once you have completed it, you then have the ability to return it to us as an e-mail attachment or print it out and return it via postal mail.
Questions? For more information, contact a program administrator at 973.579.0850, ext. 2507, by fax at 973.579.0870 or by e-mail.