The Sussex County Sheriff’s Office is a civil service employer and as such, is governed by the rules prescribed by the New Jersey Civil Service Commission (CSC). Job candidates are selected from eligibility lists that are supplied to us by the state. Qualified veterans are placed at the top of these eligibility lists ahead of non-veterans regardless of their scores.
When a position becomes available, candidates from the list are contacted, background investigations are conducted, interviews take place and then selections are made. Selected candidates are then sent for a battery of pre-employment tests and evaluations to ascertain fitness for duty. Once a candidate makes it through that phase, he/she is scheduled to begin training. Training for corrections officers lasts 18 weeks; training for sheriff’s officers lasts 22 weeks.
The Sussex County Sheriff's Office is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Individuals wishing to pursue a career with the Sussex County Sheriff’s Office must obtain a Law Enforcement Exam (LEE) test application through the CSC. For specific information regarding eligibility requirements and testing, visit their web site .