Project Lifesaver receives donation from Division of Senior Services
The monetary donation was used to purchase equipment for the program.
Sheriff Strada recently accepted a donation on behalf of his office from the Sussex County Division of Senior Services. The monetary donation was used to purchase Project Lifesaver equipment, including a mobile locator tracking system.
Project Lifesaver is an international program that assists sheriff’s personnel in locating individuals who have wandered away from home due to Alzheimer’s, autism, Down syndrome, dementia and other related cognitive disorders. The Sussex County Sheriff’s Office has offered the Project Lifesaver program to county residents since 2005.
Citizens enrolled in Project Lifesaver wear a small personal transmitter around their wrist or ankle that emits an individualized tracking signal. If an enrolled client goes missing, the caregiver notifies the sheriff’s office and a trained emergency team responds to the wanderer’s area to begin searching using a mobile locator tracking system.
Most who wander are found within a few miles of their homes and search times for these individuals have been reduced from hours and days to minutes. The average recovery time to locate a Project Lifesaver client is 30 minutes—that’s 95% less time than standard recovery operations.
The Sussex County Division of Senior Services is a county department mandated by the federal government as part of the Older Americans Act. It serves as a connection for the elderly to services and programs designed to support seniors’ independence and quality of life. The mission of the division is to enable older individuals and/or their caregivers to choose from a coordinated system of services that allows seniors to live as independently as possible in their homes and in their communities while enjoying a dignified quality of life.
Sheriff Strada, expressing his gratitude for the donation, thanked Lorraine Hentz for her agency’s continued commitment to improving the quality of life for our county’s seniors.

(L to R) Sgt. Krista Galante, Project Lifesaver Coordinator, Lorraine Hentz, Director of the Sussex County Division of Senior Services, and Sheriff Michael F. Strada display the equipment purchased with the donated funds.