TRIAD law enforcement seminar to be held in October
This seminar has been cancelled due to lower than usual attendance this year.
Cancelled due to lower than usual attendance this year.
On Friday, October 14, 2016, Sussex County TRIAD will be hosting a law enforcement seminar for seniors at Selective Insurance, 40 Wantage Avenue in the Borough of Branchville from 8 a.m. to 12:00 noon with a free continental breakfast included.
The seminar will include classes on senior fraud education and protection, a demonstration by the Sussex County Sheriff’s K-9 Unit as well as other new, informative classes.
Seniors will have the opportunity to meet with local law enforcement officers and county personnel to gather information on current crimes affecting seniors, facts to combat unwarranted fear of crime, problems faced by seniors and programs that are offered by the Sussex County Sheriff’s Office.
Admission is free but pre-registration is required. To register, please contact Hilary Manser at 973.579.0850, ext. 2114.