Two promoted at Sussex County 911 Communication Center
David Korver and Andrea Wehrenberg were recently promoted.
Sheriff Michael Strada announced the recent promotions of two public safety telecommunicators at the Sussex County 911 Communication Center.
David Korver of Hampton Township was promoted to chief public safety telecommunicator. David, who has eight years of experience after stints as a dispatcher with Hopatcong Borough and Morris County Communications, started working as a public safety telecommunicator for Sussex County in 2011. In 2013 he was promoted to supervisory public safety telecommunicator.
Andrea Wehrenberg, also of Hampton Township, was promoted to supervising public safety telecommunicator. Andrea has twenty-two years of experience and previously worked for the Town of Newton as a dispatcher.
Both David and Andrea have been instrumental in the opening of the 911 Communication Center. Their experience, dedication and commitment to the sheriff’s organization is clearly evident. They are both well deserving of their promotions.
Sheriff Strada stated “We often forget that our telecommunicators are the first ones to receive emergency calls and often times save lives over the phone by giving medical direction to those in need. They all do a terrific job, often times handling extremely stressful emergency calls.”

Pictured from left to right: Sheriff Michael F. Strada, David Korver and Andrea Wehrenberg